月別アーカイブ: 2019年2月

やりたいことをやれ Do wanting to do.

I read Mr. Soichiro Honda’s book “Do wanting to do.” Mr. Soichiro Honda has an image as Mr. stubborn father in Showa for me. When I finished reading this book, I felt something hot.

When I was young, I was absorbed in a motorcycle and rode various motorcycles. HONDA CB750 was my favorite motorcycle for long time. And Honda is making an airplane now. I think it’s wonderful.

ウインドサーフィンの道具を流してしまった! My set of windsurfing item was lost.

When I went windsurfing the other day, I fail in a water starter and have got away from my hand. Then it was fanned by strong wind of offshore, and it was soared. I rushed and swam to take that. But that flowed to the offing suddenly.

But I judged that I won’t be in time any more and swam to the land reversely this time. I swam for about 40 minutes and arrived to the land. And my company had them search a ship for it, but it wasn’t found. I gave up, took a shower and was changing the clothes. Then when a moving yacht found and kept that at the offing, they called me.

That I have to be careful enough when it’s blowy offshore, it was fully realized once more. And I have caused trouble to many people. I’m truly sorry!


引越しで出た不用品の処分の手伝い Help the trash go out

I help to dispose of the trash which has gone out at a move. It’s five-story apartment, without the elevators to which now is uncommon. It was hard for me. Of course, a customer was satisfied. It’s a nice view.


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