
河童のお皿の水が無くなっちゃう!ウインドしないと・・The water in the kappa’s plate is running out! If I don’t go to windsurfing.

The other day, I enjoyed windsurfing for the first time in a while. Slalom board 114 liters, sail 7.8, onshore, slightly under conditions.

The weather was nice and I enjoyed windsurfing in a pleasant environment that was neither cold nor hot. I was frustrated because I couldn’t windsurf for a while.

Sometimes windsurfers I meet at the beach take pictures of me. thank you.

I enjoyed windsurfing

強烈なオフショアブローの中でのウインドサーフィン Windsurfing in strong offshore blows

The other day I enjoyed windsurfing in strong offshore blows. The strongest winds were enough to lift the board. There were also some swells.

I enjoyed the thrill of windsurfing for the first time in a while. Fujiko-san, thank you for taking my video.

新年初のウェイブコンデションの中のウインドサーフィン Windsurfing in the first wave conditions of the new year

I enjoyed windsurfing yesterday in very warm and wave conditions. The sail was 5.0 and the board was 103 liters, just a sail.

By the way, the other day I saw a huge cargo sailing ship with sails on TV. I watched the sails rise and fall depending on the strength of the wind.

As someone who windsurfs, I realize how powerful the wind is. When I see that cargo sailing ship, I get excited about the energy of the future. I think it is a better energy than nuclear power, which is dangerous and cannot be controlled by humans.


久しぶりのセール3.4使用 Using Sale 3.4 after a long time

I enjoyed windsurfing today. It was a very warm day even though it was late November. Today I had fun with a sail 3.4 and 72 liter board for the first time in a while. Thank you Fujiko-san for taking the video and photos.

By the way, there are fewer beaches on the Zaimokuza coast. I think the sand on the beach is being scraped away little by little. There are many places like this on other coasts as well. Compared to when I started surfing about 45 years ago, a considerable amount of coastline has disappeared.


気持ちも気温もホットなウインドサーフィン Windsurfing in a hot heart and temperature

The other day, I enjoyed windsurfing onshore in wave conditions! The sail was 4.5, the board was 87 liters, and the wind went up and down rapidly from oversail to just sail to undersail.

Even though it was November, it was hot and I was sweating. Also, the sea water temperature was abnormally high. I was so worried about the Earth being destroyed!

Windsurfing in a hot heart and temperature

ウインドサーフィン三昧 Windsurfing paradise

A few days ago it was windy and I enjoyed a lot of windsurfing. My body was hard, but my heart was full of ecstasy. Miss Fujiko, thank you as always!

寒くても雨でも風さえあれば楽しい Whether it’s cold or rainy, it’s fun as long as there’s wind.

寒くても雨でも風さえあれば楽しい Whether it’s cold or rainy, it’s fun as long as there’s wind.

It was cold back in winter today. And cold rain…. But as long as there is wind, windsurfing makes me to ecstasy! Today was such a fun day!

Miss Fujiko, thank you for always taking pictures of me!


寒かったけど綺麗な海でウインドサーフィン Though it was cold today, I enjoyed windsurfing in the beautiful sea.

I sometimes had planing with sale 7.8, board 114 L and enjoyed windsurfing today. It was the beautiful sea which was clear to the bottom of the sea today. This seasonal sea changes very beautiful color.

Thank you for taking my video, Minami. Why don’t you enjoy windsurfing with me agein!

春一番のウインドサーフィン Windsurfing of the strong wind of the spring beginning

I enjoyed windsurfing at the first in the spring of this year. It was very happy for me, because I had a good weather and very warmly, windy, good wave. I chose sale 4.5, board 85 L, and It was a considerably oversale in the latter half.

Thank you for taking my video again, Minami. However, it is great that you can take my video in that strong wind and wave.