
桜満開 そろそろウグイスの出番 Full bloom cherry blossoms, It’s almost time for the warbler to sing

The big cherry blossoms under my work room are in full bloom and are very beautiful. I enjoy the warm weather, and looking at the cherry blossoms makes me feel at peace. I’m looking forward to hearing the warblers’ calls soon.

The strong wind the other day caused some of the cherry blossoms to scatter, so I guess the best time to see them will be this week. I also enjoy windsurfing and have fun every day!


新しいスポンサーチャイルドとの文通開始 Begin correspondence with new sponsored child

I started corresponding with my new sponsor child in the spring of this year. The child is a 13-year-old boy living in Ethiopia. According to a report from Plan International Japan, Ethiopia still faces many problems such as poverty, water, and sanitation. It has a particularly bad effect on children.

I hope that children will be able to freely imagine their own lives in a peaceful world. I’m also really looking forward to being able to talk to him about various things through letters!



ホストファミリー28年 Host family 28 years

A girl from Guinea-Bissau, whom I hosted through a volunteer organization, turned 18 and finished hosting.

It’s been 28 years since I started hosting Child. I hosted a girl from South Korea, a girl from the Philippines, a boy from Africa, a girl from Sri Lanka, and now a girl from Guinea-Bissau.

Correspondence with them is a very enjoyable and precious time for me. I hope they can live a life where they can freely draw their own dreams.

And I am so excited to introduce my new Child now!



娘のバレイ発表会 Presentation of the ballet of my daughter.

I went to see the presentation of the ballet of my daughter the other day. My daughter learned a ballet since she was small. I see she improves whenever I see the presentation of my daughter every time. I hope to be able to release that my daughter likes it.

しかし、つま先だけで移動できるのは凄いと思います。But I thought that it was great that she could move only with a tiptoe.


サクラが開花し始めてとても綺麗です A cherry tree begins to flower and is very beautiful.

The big cherry tree which is bloomed under my workroom. A bush warbler didn’t singing for a while. But in this morning, a bush warbler singing. It is a climax in spring very warmly.


今年も大きな桜の木が開花しました The big cherry tree also bloomed this year.

The big cherry tree which is bloomed under my workroom. When a flower of a cherry tree is being seen between work, fatigue of work is healed. The strange bleat of the Japanese bush warbler is heard from several days before. It became warm and spring has come.


サーフィンをしていて亡くなられる He was surfing and died.

The customer’s son kind to me for a long time died of surfing last month. He has three small children with his wife.

Two daughters under him were the state which doesn’t understand that he passed away. When I thought of the pain of the heart of his father, his mother, his wife and his daughters, I became very sad.

I express my condolences sincerely.
