masaru のすべての投稿

ホストファミリー28年 Host family 28 years

A girl from Guinea-Bissau, whom I hosted through a volunteer organization, turned 18 and finished hosting.

It’s been 28 years since I started hosting Child. I hosted a girl from South Korea, a girl from the Philippines, a boy from Africa, a girl from Sri Lanka, and now a girl from Guinea-Bissau.

Correspondence with them is a very enjoyable and precious time for me. I hope they can live a life where they can freely draw their own dreams.

And I am so excited to introduce my new Child now!



ウインドサーフィン三昧 Windsurfing paradise

A few days ago it was windy and I enjoyed a lot of windsurfing. My body was hard, but my heart was full of ecstasy. Miss Fujiko, thank you as always!

寒くても雨でも風さえあれば楽しい Whether it’s cold or rainy, it’s fun as long as there’s wind.

寒くても雨でも風さえあれば楽しい Whether it’s cold or rainy, it’s fun as long as there’s wind.

It was cold back in winter today. And cold rain…. But as long as there is wind, windsurfing makes me to ecstasy! Today was such a fun day!

Miss Fujiko, thank you for always taking pictures of me!


60歳からはやりたい放題 Let’s set a favorite thing from 60 years old

I read a book “Let’s set a favorite thing from 60 years old” of Hideki Wada. This is the second book. The person may really lose sight of an important thing for conventional custom and common sense.

Hideki Wada is talking about the human body and mental health for the present medical thing and total now. I think that he is precise, and I see things for sharp eyes.


二十四の瞳 Twenty-Four Eyes

I watched a movie “24 eyes”. I watched it three times. I’m impressed no matter how much I watch it. One new woman teacher came over to the elementary school in 1928. She contacted the student of 12 people to fill the love. 12 children loved her, too.

War begins before long, and poverty and the war of the wave let the fate of children be greatly out of order irresistibly. She thinks that she doesn’t want to lose the life of children by war, so she acts. The principal said to her which “do not say” “do not see it” “do not hear it”.

The war loses everything.


スタンフォード式最高の睡眠 The Stanford Method for Ultimate Sound Sleep

When I always go to the bed, I sleep in several minutes. And I bought this book and read, because I want to have the best sleep.

It seems to be full not to know the sleep medicine yet. I want to try what is written in this book for better sleep.


寒かったけど綺麗な海でウインドサーフィン Though it was cold today, I enjoyed windsurfing in the beautiful sea.

I sometimes had planing with sale 7.8, board 114 L and enjoyed windsurfing today. It was the beautiful sea which was clear to the bottom of the sea today. This seasonal sea changes very beautiful color.

Thank you for taking my video, Minami. Why don’t you enjoy windsurfing with me agein!

人は話し方が9割 As for the person, speech is 90%

本屋さんの棚にお勧めしていた本で、著者:永松 茂久さんの「人は話し方が9割」を購入して読みました。相手に何かを伝える時に相手を思い遣り、相手の立場になって話すことの重要性を再確認しました。
I found a recommended book in a bookstore. And I bought a book of author Shigehisa Nagamatsu “As for the person, speech is 90%” and read. When I told other person something, I thought that it was important to think of consideration and the feeling of the other person.

I have good for me, thought that it was the wonderful life if could communicate.
