月別アーカイブ: 2024年4月

河童のお皿の水が無くなっちゃう!ウインドしないと・・The water in the kappa’s plate is running out! If I don’t go to windsurfing.

The other day, I enjoyed windsurfing for the first time in a while. Slalom board 114 liters, sail 7.8, onshore, slightly under conditions.

The weather was nice and I enjoyed windsurfing in a pleasant environment that was neither cold nor hot. I was frustrated because I couldn’t windsurf for a while.

Sometimes windsurfers I meet at the beach take pictures of me. thank you.

I enjoyed windsurfing

真っ暗闇の中の雑草 Weeds in the dark.

The other day, I received a request from a long-time customer to install a weed control sheet. As the customer has gotten older, it has become difficult to weed his large garden.

I don’t dislike this type of work that is done quietly outside. However, the weeds look pitiful in the dark, where the sun doesn’t shine!


桜満開 そろそろウグイスの出番 Full bloom cherry blossoms, It’s almost time for the warbler to sing

The big cherry blossoms under my work room are in full bloom and are very beautiful. I enjoy the warm weather, and looking at the cherry blossoms makes me feel at peace. I’m looking forward to hearing the warblers’ calls soon.

The strong wind the other day caused some of the cherry blossoms to scatter, so I guess the best time to see them will be this week. I also enjoy windsurfing and have fun every day!


世界インフレ日本はこうなる What will happen to Japan due to global inflation?

I often watch Akira Ikegami’s commentary programs on TV. I also read several books by Akira Ikegami. His explanations are easy to understand and I can see things from many different angles.

I am surprised at how low prices and wages are in Japan compared to other countries around the world. I’m worried about Japan’s weakening yen.
