月別アーカイブ: 2022年3月

サウンドオブミュージック Sound of music

I watched movie “sound of music”. I watched 5 or 6 times by now. It is the movie that a splendid singing voice, the beautiful Nature, humanity are very comfortable. And war invading from the latter half approaches.

The war destroys all. I strongly think that the human being can find happiness very much if I can spend time like the first half of this movie.

サウンドオブミュージック DVD

がんで往くのも、まあいいか It is good to die of a cancer

I read a book “Well, it is good to die of a cancer” of Yoshiaki Sugiura. A person working as a doctor suffers from a cancer and talks about his life. A person, the life when live long even if it is for a person, a cancer spending the short life for a cancer each.

Nobody knows when the human being dies. Therefore I am going to do own thing that I want to do while I live.


春一番のウインドサーフィン Windsurfing of the strong wind of the spring beginning

I enjoyed windsurfing at the first in the spring of this year. It was very happy for me, because I had a good weather and very warmly, windy, good wave. I chose sale 4.5, board 85 L, and It was a considerably oversale in the latter half.

Thank you for taking my video again, Minami. However, it is great that you can take my video in that strong wind and wave.