月別アーカイブ: 2021年5月

空気を読む脳 The brain which senses circumstances

I read a book”the brain which senses circumstances” of Nobuko Nakano. It is the second book that I read this book. I hate to care about the situation of the circumference. Because I can’t make a right decision.

The mechanism of the human brain explains this book. It is really interested. The human brain is really mysterious.

ヒトは「いじめ」をやめられない As for the human being, “bullying” is not stopped

脳科学者の中野信子さんの著書「ヒトは「いじめ」をやめられない 」を読みました。イジメによる悲しいニュースが多く聞かれます。
I read a book of Nobuko Nakano of the scholar of brain science “As for the human being, “bullying” is not stopped”. I always see a lot of sad news by the bullying.

Nobuko Nakano of the scholar of brain science said that the bullying the program that was incorporated in brain because a human being lives. And she talks some one know the mechanism and about the method to stop bullying.

I hope that miserable news by the bullying disappears.