月別アーカイブ: 2020年2月

笑いの凄ワザ Wonderful work of a laugh

When I was an office worker, my work was business work for about 20 years. I thought it was important to touch a customer sincerely. I thought such daily pile shortened the distance with the customer a little and got trust.

But when a laugh is between me and the customer, we become familiar with a customer suddenly. I read a book of this kind much so far. I read Mr. Masaaki Tonomura’s book “Wonderful work of a laugh” this time. I knew that it’s to sympathize with a partner to make a partner laugh and was moved.

Linuxでお仕事 I work by OS of Linux

Before, I was working by an operating system of Windows. But it could be done now by Linux a lot. There is a lot of software easy to use, and Linux has come out.

By far the most, the movement of Linux is early and comfortable. There is also work which can still be done only by Windows. It’s very efficient that a PC of Windows and Linux can be moved at the same time, and I can work.


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)

庭木の剪定作業 Pruning work of a garden tree

I pruned a garden tree yesterday. When I work in the nature, I become pleasant for minds and bodies. I like that there are few harmful insects this time.


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)

渋谷でお仕事 I worked at Shibuya.

I worked at Shibuya in Tokyo yesterday. I of the country living rarely go to a city. So I was surprised at Shibuya. An office building street which lines up and the people who walk busily. I felt them for a creature different from me.

But I was often cruising check for girl at Shibuya old days. I was..


便利屋 湘南ヘルパーズのホームページ(別ページで表示)