月別アーカイブ: 2017年2月

老いるほど血管が強くなる健康法 How to health a blood vessel becomes so strong in which that getting old.



There is a lot of sickness which happens with trouble of a blood vessel. I read various related books. So this time, I bought and read the book published newly “How to health a blood vessel becomes so strong in which that getting old. (author: Kazutomo Minami).

I could have more much knowledge by this book. I’d like to enjoy my life of do a job and go surfing and go windsurfing and other thing and health!

人間の運命 Human destiny




Mr. Hiroyuki Itsuki who is an author of this book “human destiny” met Japan’s defeat in the war by North Korea around a child and was returning to Japan barely escape alive. Many Japanese lost their life. I feel destiny hard.

When I looking back to my life, I had a serious injury, hemiplegia and the situation maybe which was dead several times. I think I’m really lucky.

It’s written in this book, “I live with a flow of destiny, not to be toyed with by destiny.”, but I had an impression very much.